Sunflower 5035 Field Cultivator Sells


Dave Mowitz travels to a Cook Auction to check out prices on a Sunflower 5035 field cultivator. This Sunflower features a four-row spike drag residue harrow and walking tandem axles that would make a great implement for minimum tillage. Dave talks with Scott Cook to get more information before the Sunflower 5035 sells.

From Successful Farming (ep. 1305), originally aired January 17, 2020.

Most Recent Poll

To meet my machinery needs in the next year, I’m

holding off on buying and working with what I have
38% (15 votes)
I just want to see the responses
33% (13 votes)
looking online for deals
18% (7 votes)
hitting the auction market
5% (2 votes)
sticking to my dealership
5% (2 votes)
Total votes: 39
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